Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Yesterday O didn't care to we went to the park for the afternoon...We parked by the Conservatory, where they have a beautiful fountain...a good 40 minutes was spent there...and I captured a moment of splashing joy!


Lupe said...

he has such a big boy look in this picture, a glimpse of things to come... And the napping thing will just get worse, so start saying sayonara to your mommy afternoon time...

Amalia said...

Ummmm, apparently you didn't read the posting rules for this blog...let me refresh your memory...Only positive post that are deceptive in nature (if that's what's needed to fulfill the "positive" criteria) are allowed. So, for example, your post should read something like this: "...and the napping thing only gets better...soon, you'll pretty have the whole day to yourself, as he will just want to stay in bed all day & play!"