Monday, March 06, 2006


You are officially 7 months...although February brought us no "30th" we were a bit of a loss as to when you actually turned 7 months...What do people who are born on 2/29 do?

You are so close to crawling it literally brings tears to my eyes...not just tears of joy for your development and growth, but tears of panic for your development and growth...What the hell am I going to do when you no longer stay put when I leave you somewhere? What if I go to fold the laundry and then I can't find you? (Note to self...don't ever fold laundry...too dangerous...)...

AND...your two bottom teeth came in...why is everything about you so cute? I haven't managed to take a picture of your teeth yet as you never seem to have your mouth empty of fingers, hands, toys, blankets...but one of these days I'll get them on "film"...

You are eating solids with gusto...makes me so proud! I've been enjoying making you little dinners specially for you...Nothing fancy yet...but today you had chicken for the first time with sweet potato...and you were just devouring it...and saying "MMMM" whenever the opportunity arose...

You are now sleeping soundly...Good night peanut...I love you.

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