Friday, June 30, 2006

A Few Random Shots...

Sand Box...Sand Mouth...

Yesterday we went to Penny's and Suzanne's to play in the sand box...Oh Boy! What fun...You played and ate lots...Yey!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Today you are 11 months old!!! WOW!!! What can I tell are simply a joy and adorable...You are interacting so much with laugh amaze us with your daily achievements! Yesterday you began standing and letting go...if only for a few are beginning to understand sign language, although you haven't signed to us yet...(that we could tell...)

We celebrated the day by watching the Argentina/Germany World Cup game...then we swang in the hammock for a long time...staring at the tree tops and giggling at "whatever"...

You went down for a nap at 3 pm...and it's now are still sleeping...Ack! Happy Birthday little are doing great!

Friday, June 23, 2006

So Many Title Options Here...

For instance...."Mmmmm, Cruchy!"...."Bzzzzzzzzzz"...."What Fly?"...

You get the picture...

So Owen was standing by the window, trying to catch a fly on the window was quite cute...I actually watched him for a while...then went back to what I was doing...never thinking he'd actually catch the little bugger...well, I was wrong...A few minutes later, I notice he is chewing..."You didn't", I said naively.

He did. In his mouth was the little fly...a little wet, a little squished...and apparently a little yummy.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Happy Father's Day!!!!

"View this video montage created at One True Media
Click Me!

(Be sure to turn on your sound...)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Too Quick...

It has been forever since I've posted...believe me it isn't for lack of want...I just can't manage a few minutes of aloneness to sit...I've only taken a handful of pics of O this's sad, because he is really doing adorable things...The changes lately have been sonic...they happen fast. He is saying his first word, "up" with regularity. I've been saying "Hi" to him a lot, and today he said it to me...that was cute. He is standing all the time, although very wabbly...

The one area that has changed "not" for the better is his sleeping patterns...Getting O to nap or sleep for the night have gone from a pretty pleasant and painless procedure, to one of agony...for both of us. It's like he can't sleep because he is so busy investigating his environment...he crawls all over the bed...sometimes crying...(from exhaustion I assume)...I lay there next to him, trying to soothe him, sometimes to no avail. He climbs all over me...trying to escape! I really, really, really hope this is a phase!!!

We've hired a babysitter to come to the house 2 times a week for 3 hours to play with him...I'm sure he will enjoy his new friend and hopefully she'll come up with new and exciting games for them to play...he's sort of had it with mine! This will allow me time in the garden and, some time to write to a couple of dear friends, (Bebhinn, Maggie and Leslie), whom I've left completely abandoned!

Monday, June 05, 2006


This picture was taken on your 10 month birthday!!! YEY!!! You are just lovely...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Astronaut

Owen had his first BIG fall today...

We had both been sitting at the dining table, he strapped into his booster chair, (it is a chair that attaches to a regular dining chair)...I had not put on the tray, but pushed the chair up to the table. I ate and then got up to do the dishes. I made sure he was safe, and gave him a spoon to play with.

I pop my head around the kitchen corner to look at him, and he is playing with his spoon...I go back to my dishes...when suddenly...a BOOM.

I ran to the table, only to find Owen, chair and all, on his back on the floor. He apparently had managed to get his feet up to the side of the table and pushed off. He is only 10 months old!!!!

I won't go on about all the worrying, guilt, phonecalls and reading...he is fine...he is currently trying to grab the computer while squealing with delight....
