Monday, April 24, 2006

The Best....

This afternoon I found my inner tranquility goddess. We took you to the doctor this morning for your 9 month appointment...(You weigh 24lbs 11 oz by the way...)and you got your Polio shot. Doctor said there were the usual side effects with this vaccine, the nurse said there were none. WHO would be right???
You were a bit "off" after we got home, which I attributed to the fact that you are teething and the Polio shot. I made you some dinner....chicken with sweet potato and avocado. You took one bite and gagged, followed by vomiting the 8 ounces of formula you had eaten a couple of hours prior, all over yourself, the "high chair", rug...etc...I thought maybe you didn't care for the avocado, so I tossed the food (cleaned you up) and made a new dinner of just yams. You ate all of problems...until the last which point you proceeded to vomit your dinner once again all over yourself, the "high chair", rug...I sat there for a second dumbfounded...I had no idea how to even begin cleaning this...and this time you were crying...(understandably so piglet...understandably so...).
I took off the tray and laid it on the floor, got you out and carried you to our bedroom. I laid a towel on the bed and took off your clothes and diaper...put on a clean diaper and laid you in the crib as to allow me some "hands free" time to clean the clothes off the bed and begin your bath. I walked into the bathroom, bent over the bathtub and turned on the faucet, only to have the shower shoot out and soak me. I then hear you crying I (dripping) walk into the room and see your foot is stuck in between two rails of the crib...
I pick you up and console you. We go back to the bathroom and get the bath ready...which you take with utter joy...splashing water all it should be...(What's another gallon of water on me at this point?)...
We finish the bath...I dress you in your pj's and we go play for a bit.
Around 6:30, I make a watered down bottle for you, and get the bed prepared in case your tummy feels upset during the night...I scoop you up and we go lay down on the bed as you drink your bottle with gusto while clutching the "oh so appropriately named" of your two "blankies" you sleep with...I lay next to you, in the darkened bedroom and watch you...You are so happy...tired but full of eagerness to roll and try to crawl. I just lay there, ocassionaly rubbing your back or caressing your head, as you roll back and make the most adorable sounds at this time...I am drowning in love for you...feeling so incredibly lucky to be your be able to share these moments with you...
You laughed, rolled and tried crawling for 45 was like you had so much to do that you couldn't go to sleep...At times you rolled right next to me and looked into my eyes and squealed with delight...
This is why today of all days, I feel so blessed, grateful and lucky...Sure, dealing with vomit is not the top pastime on my list...(neither is getting soaked by the shower in the middle of a "crisis")...but through it all, I was calm...I had a smile on my face and embraced what you and life offered me...
The "reward"...the ying of the yang...came when I laid in bed next to you...This is what motherhood is about...being able to go with the flow of what is to not miss the daily gifts available for the taking...and today I took.
You are the best are the best...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Saturday Afternoon...

Dad, Jeri, Victor and Gigi all came over for lunch...It was a fantastic day all around...beautiful weather...A LOT of laughter...delicious food...(Joe grilled a little lamb...and Gigi and Victor brought this fabulous rhubarb/blueberry pie/cake thing!)...

We spent some time outside...Joe and I took pictures, Jeri did some Yoga with O ( :-) )and dad kept himself busy doing other things!

O ate some dandellions...

...and practiced his crawling with grandma and Gigi...

What a great time had by all!!!

Saturday Morning...

Joe took this picture of O yesterday morning and I think it's adorable...he officially crawled yesterday taking a few "steps" throughout the day...YEY O!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Thursday, April 20, 2006

More Swinging...

Swinging Time!!!

Today we had a WONDERFUL day! O and I went to Dash Point Beach and while he slept, I took some pictures...then we met Penny and Suzanne and ended up at Steel Lake Park where O and P had their first try at swings! It was so great to see them...Penny couldn't contain her excitement...and O just ate the bucket most of the time...Can't wait to go again!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I came across this word last night in my "Buddism for Mothers" book, (written by Sarah Napthali). As defined by her, "...the ability to perceive all aspects of our lives with acceptance and patience."

Isn't that lovely?

Ay Caramba....

Owen just threw projectile vomitting...all over carpet...the comforter...Poor little guy...who knows why...he is now naked, happy as can be, playing in the playroom...

Meanwhile...I have the comforter soaking, the carpet full of detergent, vomit in my hair...and the forgotten yams in the oven exploded...

How's your morning going?

Apparently I posted the above too I was taking Owen out to the front yard, a bird flew into the house. Of course, Pookie couldn't resist and got the bird before I did. I managed to set the bird free, but not before feathers flew all over the place.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Monday, April 17, 2006

West Seattle Date!

On Sunday, we decided to leave our abode for once, and actually do something together outside of these was a beautiful day, so logically we headed out to Alki. We got there around noonish and made our way to the Alki Bakery, where we had a lovely lunch, sans bakery items...regardless, a delicious meal...then we walked for a couple of hours, Owen and Joe together, and I with my Olympus...playing and learning.
I had a wonderful time with my guys!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Juggler...

Gigi came over and played with Owen all day yesterday! He was such a flirt!!!

Playing with Aunt Gigi...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Can't Get Enough...

O has been so vocal lately...he does this dolphin sound that is pretty funny...Joe calls him "flipper" when he does it...and Joe and O dolphin talk back and forth for a while...I can't believe they don't have a sore throat after their conversation!!!

Last night O slept from 6:30 pm to 6 am straight. No midnight diaper...I must confess that it was lovely...I delighted in the 10.5 hours I got...Yey!

Still working hard at crawling...which is very cute to watch...and this weekend he went from "all fours" to sitting position...Ack!

I am really enjoying this stage...he is so communicative with me, (us)...It is so easy to get O to laugh or smile...just a quick glance at him with a funny expression does the trick. My "blues" have disappeared...I feel very good and happy...We manage to go out on sunny days, which lately seem to be at least twice a week...This morning is absolutely gorgeous out, so after him morning nap, we will head out for a little walk...and possibly some photographing for me.

You are doing great O!!! I love you!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006

Monday, April 03, 2006

I Love You!!!


I took this picture of O this afternoon while he was playing...I love watching him discover the world...his or ours...You are doing great O!


Ok...maybe not O's greatest picture...but the only one I have managed to get of his teeth...a third one is on it's way out! Yey!

Saturday, April 01, 2006


All week I've been lovingly, (I swear...not pestering at all!!!) saying "mama", "mmmma mmmma" to O...without much success.

Yesterday, Joe arrived home from Portland and the three of us were hanging out in the dining room...I kept repeating..."mama"..."mama"...and nothing. Sigh.

Then, out of the blue...clear as day...there was no denying it, he shouts...and I mean, shouts, "DADA".

Joe is still laughing.