Monday, June 23, 2008


I believe it would be safe to say that my father hates gum...I also believe it would be safe to say that in his adult life, which constitutes 50 years, (give or take a few), he has probably not had ONE piece of gum in his mouth...So I grew up rarely chewing gum when I lived at home, and if dad saw me or my sisters chewing it, he would immediately demand that we get rid of it. (Let me add for clarity that "get rid of it" meant in the garbage, not on the table for later enjoyment).

And so, some weeks ago, I come home and find O chewing. "What are you eating?", I asked..."Gum", he proudly answered. I felt my knees go weak. Apparently O had seen some on the counter and asked Joe for it, and logically, Joe gave it to him.

What I find interesting about this story is my reaction to O chewing gum. It was a completely reactionary reaction to something that I had honestly not given any thought to. I just immediately "GASPED" when my almost 3 year old was chewing gum...and not because I necessarily see anything wrong with it, but because it had been ingrained in me that children should not chew gum! (Dad, aren't you proud?)

And so, every now and then O will ask for a piece of gum and I will give it to him...and I sit and watch him enjoy this little treat...

1 comment:

gigi said...

OMG! do your fingers get sticky when the honey is on the counter too? thos pics are adorable by the way, the focus!.... where is victor's hand... I need something to chew on!